Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pi(e) Day!

Admittedly, food is on my mind quite a bit.

What do I want to eat now? What do I want to eat later? What restaurant is near where I am going? What type of cuisine will I want in a week? What type of cake was that we had at the birthday party two years ago in the place by the little bagel shop?

And more notably for today's post: "How can this relate to food?"

Some holidays go hand-in-hand with food. Thanksgiving. Some just sound like they should. Pi Day.

When you know it's an official holiday

Yes, really. March 14th = 3.14 = oh, read about it here.

The thing is, pi sounds suspiciously like a beloved dessert. I am wholeheartedly willing to go along with this connection.

Dressed for the occasion

I love getting into the holiday spirit, don't you? (Totally fantastic theme shirt from cakespy)


(If you're more in a key lime pie sort of mood, this will not disappoint. I promise.)

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